Friday, January 12, 2007

Island and Ocean

India has been perceived in the form of island. No my knowledge of geography is not very good, but even I know it is a peninsula geographically speaking. But I was talking about in terms of similies and metaphors. India: Small islands of excellence surrounded by vast ocean of mediocrityIndia: Small Islands of efficiency surrounded by vast ocean of incompetenceIndia: Small Islands of wealth surrounded by vast ocean of povertyIndia: Small islands of education surrounded by large ocean of ignoranceIndia: Smal islands of demcracy surrounded by large ocean of oppressionIndia: Small Islands of meritocracy surrounded by large ocean of nepotismIndia: Small islands of transparency surrounded by large ocean of corruptionExamples can be multiplied ad infinitum. the latest examples is:India: small islands of SEZs surrounded by a large ocean of License Permit RajWhy cant we think of chaning the equation once for all and declare the whole country into an SEZ and keep small islands as areas of License Permit Raj? Will that not be agood ided, if you believe SEZs are such as good idea extend it to the whole country, why play for small change. It's like sex, you want it and you like it go the whole hog or dont start it:)

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