Friday, January 26, 2007

Dry Day and Wet Lips

Why do we have dry days in our country especially on religious and election day? Who started this stupid thing? When and whay? These are some of the questions that bug me once again on the occasion of Republic Day. I can afford to pontificate on the issue since I have stocked up for series of dry days that are coming up in Mumbai in the next one week caused by a heady mixture of politics and respect to the Mahatma.Is it to show respect to our gods and goddesses? If you are a Hindu which the majority of alcohol consumers in India would we, you would know that our Hindu gods and goddesses are capable of quite a few naughty things inlcuding drinking, bitching and politicking. In fact what makes Hinduism so lively is the almost human like behaviour of its gods and goddesses. If you are a Christian, there is no religious taboo on drinking. If you are a Muslim and follow the scriptures you are not supposed to drink and all days are dry for you, if you do not follow the scripture, then there are no dry days. I do not know about sikhs' buddhists' and jains' views on this hence will not comment. But I think Hindus, Muslims and Christians would constitute 90 per cent of the drinking polulation of India and dry day rules would not apply to them specifically. During election time dry days are justified by the fact that booze would be dsitributed to the voters to influence voting. Even if we accpect that voters are stupid, what would stop political parties from stocking up booze especially since they already know that election days would be dry days?

I find it funny, millions of Indians get drunk everyday, go bankrupt chasing the bottle, beat up wives, spoil lives of their children and their own lives but we have only so few dry days.... how pathetic..... Now I need that beer:)