Thursday, November 29, 2007

Our Intellectuals Their Intellectuals

Oh what a drama is being played out in the media [now mainly print because there is nothing to "show" only to write about] over the plight or flight [depends on your political outlook] of Taslima Nasreen in/from Kolkata. Reads alomost like one of those Alistair McLean stories from my childhood.... whisked away in the middle of the night to one place across the coutry by plane, driven to an unknown destination in the morning, hidden in an unknown Delhi suburb and then disappearing to an unknown place near Delhi airport.... Reminds me of a McLean novel "Puppet on a Chain" set in the Netherlands and about a man's fight against drug lords...... Woooof.. leaves you almost breathless... But then if you have been reading more than one newspaper and watching more than one channel you would know that she went from Kolkata to Jaipur to Gurgaon and was then taken to the SPG special "guest house" near Delhi airport. Nothing hidden about it.. she has also been given Y category security which means she would have around 11 officers to protect her.... One would think Osman Bin Laden's men were after her. But as a matter of fact and unless the security and IB knows more there was not personal attack on her in Kolkata and what happened in Hyderabad was no terrorost attack either, most radical intellectuals and student politicians face that in College canteens in their youthful days.... There has so far been no court order to arrest her or Fatwa from a recognised outfit in India...

Now turn to four cases, my favourites......
1. Our iconic painter [not withstanding the some of us are jealous that he is still able to attract Ms Dixit at his age], where is he? he wants to come back to India and live here, why can't he?
2. Our intellectual par excellance [not withstanding the fact he he can still serially attract women quarter his age]... why isn't he allowed to visit India?
3. Our youung and radical teacher at Baroda university... what happened to his job
4. Last but not the least... our iconic protestor of social evils, from the banks of Narmada to Nandigram... she was physically assaulted several times in her life... In Nandigram police actually stood and watched her beaten up.....

Do we have double standards for our world class intellectuals and third rate trash authors from Bangladesh? Have we lost our collective minds...

Delhi Leads Road Accidents

My last post has been vindicated... The figures of road accidents were out two days back in the Times of India. Accordingly, based on the 2005 figures Delhi topped the list of fatal road accidents with over 1,700 deaths. The numbers in 2007 must be considerably more in 2007 and Blue Lines have claused only 106 of these deaths... Isn't it time that we plugged the others who kill on the roads rather than whip the bad blue bus drivers...
Think about it...