Saturday, January 20, 2007

Adult Content

Government of India suo motto or on PIL [Public Interest Litigation] regulalry annuounces blocking of internet sites, TV channels and other media on charges of adult content, indecency etc etc.

This is not about national security and or sedition [I shall keep tose for another day!]
The latest victim is a sony channel in India which is known for its funky shows. I have not found anything more wrong in that channels programmes than the semi-nude gyrations that go on and on and on on innumberable music channels, or various participatory programmes where participants repeat those same movie songs in more of less the same costumes on TV for a prize. These are all aired during non-adult hours. Mind you adult in India does not really mean adult [movies are screened and then certified and only then shown on TV].

Are we idiots as a nation or does our government especially departments which take pleasure in social policing have nothing else left to do?

Children sit and watch Mahabharata with frantic parents trying to explain to their children how a woman can have five husbands and still be a paragon of virtue, mythological pieces regulaly have women wearing hideously ugly dresses and much else. In the sixities the temptress Menaka exposing large bellies and much else was a set piece in such mythical films... Religious discourse, supersitious healing, selling of spurious unlicensed goods cover TV from end to end no one thinks of putting a stop to them. Why this bias against adult content [where adult is defined by some act which was passed by a Victorian Colonial Regime 100 years back?]

Our children and parents are quite mature, please give them a break and let them grow up into mature parents and balanced children.


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